Contact Ivory

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1721 Saunders Street
Columbia, SC, 29201
United States

I’m Ivory Howard, a yoga and Pilates instructor who is making things easier for you by helping busy, professional women like you workout consistently and reclaim their health and fitness.


I worked out 39 days in a row!

Ivory Howard

Every year on Thanksgiving, I start an exercise streak where I workout everyday from Thanksgiving to New Year’s day. I workout 39 days in a row!

Ivory is in Extended Side Angle pose. She is wearing a black tank top and a blue and black leggings.

Holiday streaks are great not only because you’ve committed to working out consistently but also because in order to workout consistently during the holidays, you’ll have to overcome obstacles that have probably thwarted your efforts to workout in the past.

Although many believe this to be the worst type of challenge to do during this time of year because of the holiday parties, treats, and decadent dinners, I think it’s the best time of year to learn how to prepare for and handle these types of challenges.

If you can overcome these challenges, other challenges that you face throughout the year will be much easier to manage.

Here’s what I’ve learned from these streaks.


Plan your workouts in advance and always have a plan B for weather or technology snafus. Being well-prepared will prevent you from being at the mercy of your surroundings. In addition, having a plan for possible pitfalls will make it easier to stick with your healthy habits and fitness routine. As the saying goes, "failing to plan is preparing to fail."


Waking up early and working out allows you to put your health first before the rest of your day can derail your efforts.


It will be a challenge to workout everyday for 39 days in a row. Be sure to listen to your body and adapt your workouts and modify poses as needed.


Social networks have a significant influence on your healthy (and unhealthy) lifestyle habits. When your friends, family, and coworkers learn about your goals, they will hold you accountable and check-in with you often to hear about your progress. Consider getting an accountability partner is simply someone you report regularly on the progress of your goal. It can be a friend or colleague. Whoever you choose you both should commit to a recurring time to check in and discuss the progress of your goal. During these discussions, you should discuss what is your overall goal, what you’ll accomplish before the next call, what problems you’ll fix, and who you’ll reach out to when you need help. An accountability partner can encourage and push you to deliver on your goal.

I invite you to step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself this year, and learn more in the Couch to Consistent course where you’ll see how to stop struggling, make time for yourself, and workout regularly.