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3430 Connecticut Avenue NW #11335
Washington, DC, 20008
United States

I’m Ivory Howard, a yoga and Pilates instructor who is making things easier for you by helping busy, professional women like you workout consistently and reclaim their health and fitness.


Filtering by Tag: Goals

Avoid the Biggest Fitness Mistakes

Ivory Howard

So when it comes to health and fitness, we all make mistakes.

Have you ever said to yourself:

  • I’ll manage my health and fitness in the New Year.

  • I'll start working out in the New Year.

  • I'll pay better attention to my health in the New Year.

If you said any of these things or felt any of these feelings, then you are definitely in the right place. You are definitely not alone. I have made these mistakes and have made many more.

Let’s talk about some of those mistakes that can derail our efforts to workout consistently and how to avoid them.

First, you don't have a plan.

One of the biggest ways that you can sabotage your efforts to workout consistently is by not having a plan. It can feel daunting to try and figure out, where to start, what to do, and how to make it all work. You need a structured plan to make it work. The key is to set your health goals and develop a structured plan so that you maintain a consistent workout routine.

Having a plan will make sure that you are able to not just work out, but work out consistently. There are many things you need to consider when you are developing your health goals and a structured plan, not just what you’ll do, but what time you’ll workout, how long you’ll workout, and how you’ll you stay accountable.

Set aside some time to think about your goals and develop a plan. Grab a pencil and paper and write down your goals. Be sure to consider what you'll do when you workout, whether you go to the gym or the studio, what time you’ll workout, how long you’ll workout, what days you’ll workout, how will you stay accountable.

These are all very important things. They seem simple and you may be tempted to  not pull out that pencil and paper. But it's really important to write down your goals and your plan so that you remember them and can refer to them often.

Second, you don't have an instructor.

Random classes aren't gonna work. One day, you’re on YouTube. Another day, you’re on Pinterest, and another day, you're doing your saved Instagram and Facebook workouts. But you don't need to do everything, to get the results you want. You just need to do the right things. Try a proven method to reach your health goals rather than a series of random workout videos.

You don't have to do it all alone. There are others who’ve already been on this journey, and they can share their plans for success with you and help you stay accountable and workout consistently. So it's really important to have an instructor, a coach, or a trainer - someone that you can work closely with and discuss your health goals, your health plan, and certainly chat about any difficulties that you might have and stay accountable which is really important.

Third, you don't take your rest days seriously.

Take your rest days seriously. They're just as important as your workout days, because they assist in healing and preventing injuries. They're also great days to focus on meditation or reading more about fitness, yoga, and Pilates.

I’ve been called worse

Ivory Howard

One morning, when I was waiting for a friend outside my apartment building, a runner approached me. He wanted to know if I lived in the building, what type of apartment I lived in, and how much I paid for rent. I let him know that I did and gave him an estimate for the type of apartment he was looking for but he wanted to know specifically how much I paid for rent. I wasn’t comfortable sharing any more information and quickly ended the conversation.

He got the hint but then said, “Okay, give me hug” and began to come closer.

He was running when we met and his white t-shirt was soaked with sweat. I was dressed for work so it was a “no, thank you” on the hug. Honestly, it would’ve been a “no” no matter what he was wearing. When I said no, he said I was “mean.”

Puh-lease, I’ve been called worse.

I made it clear he should be on his way.

I’ve learned when someone says you’re “mean,” “rude,” or “bitchy,” “what they really mean is “I can’t control you.”

But it’s okay to set firm boundaries. And it’s okay to enforce boundaries when you feel others aren’t respecting yours.

Want to chat about setting badass boundaries to reach your most-wanted health goals? Let’s work together to help you achieve them. Grab a ten-class package for $498 and see how to stop struggling, make time for yourself, and workout regularly.

Kisses, coworkers and courses

Ivory Howard

In Washington, DC area where I live we have Kiss and Ride, a spot at a subway station that allows for brief stops to drop off or pick up a loved one. At the Kiss and Ride spot, you kiss your loved ones goodbye and then they take the train to work.

When commuting to work, I would often wait at a shuttle stand and see these sweet kiss and ride drop offs. One guy I saw almost everyday would kiss his wife, kiss his kids in the back seat, and then kiss his dog! One after another, those that got dropped off would kiss their loved ones and then take the train to work.

One day, another guy got out of the car without kissing his wife. 😮 As soon as he got out of the car, his coworker ran up to him asked, “Why didn’t you kiss your wife? WHY DIDN’T YOU KISS YOUR WIFE?!”

Seriously, it’s kiss and ride. You kiss your loved ones and then you take the train.

Even if you forgot to brush your teeth …

Even if you don’t feel like it …

Even if you only kinda like your spouse that day, you kiss and THEN ride.

You’re not here to hear about mass transit. I mention this because there’s a way to do things so that you can move forward with ease.

It’s the same when it comes to your health and fitness goals. There’s a way to set goals so that you can achieve them and maintain lasting success.

So, how do you set a health and fitness goal? I talk all about it in my bestselling course Couch to Consistent. Learn how to set goals so that you can stop struggling, make time for yourself, and workout regularly.