Contact Ivory

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1721 Saunders Street
Columbia, SC, 29201
United States

I’m Ivory Howard, a yoga and Pilates instructor who is making things easier for you by helping busy, professional women like you workout consistently and reclaim their health and fitness.


Filtering by Tag: Tips

Recommended Supplies for Home Yoga Practice

Ivory Howard

It’s a new year! This is the perfect opportunity to save money on fitness mats, equipment, and accessories.

To help you cut through the noise, I've curated a list of my top deals for fitness enthusiasts including:

  • Activewear

  • Fitness mats

  • Yoga blocks and straps

  • Meditation accessories

  • Water bottles

  • Sauna blankets

🧘🏾‍♀️Blogilates (15% off)

💪 Yoga Design Lab

🤸🏾‍♀️ Ostrich Pillow (10% off)

🔥 Higher Dose (Save up to $715)

Feel free to ask if you need any last minute advice about new year’s deals. I'm always here. Cheers to saving.

I’ve been called worse

Ivory Howard

One morning, when I was waiting for a friend outside my apartment building, a runner approached me. He wanted to know if I lived in the building, what type of apartment I lived in, and how much I paid for rent. I let him know that I did and gave him an estimate for the type of apartment he was looking for but he wanted to know specifically how much I paid for rent. I wasn’t comfortable sharing any more information and quickly ended the conversation.

He got the hint but then said, “Okay, give me hug” and began to come closer.

He was running when we met and his white t-shirt was soaked with sweat. I was dressed for work so it was a “no, thank you” on the hug. Honestly, it would’ve been a “no” no matter what he was wearing. When I said no, he said I was “mean.”

Puh-lease, I’ve been called worse.

I made it clear he should be on his way.

I’ve learned when someone says you’re “mean,” “rude,” or “bitchy,” “what they really mean is “I can’t control you.”

But it’s okay to set firm boundaries. And it’s okay to enforce boundaries when you feel others aren’t respecting yours.

Want to chat about setting badass boundaries to reach your most-wanted health goals? Let’s work together to help you achieve them. Grab a ten-class package for $498 and see how to stop struggling, make time for yourself, and workout regularly.

Drama at the grocery store

Ivory Howard

I was grocery shopping recently and, as I made my way through the aisles, an older woman passed me and said, “Are you getting too much?” 🙄

I couldn’t believe she said that but I casually said, “I’m good.” And I was good because I was minding my own business. 😜

She didn’t know what I needed. She doesn’t know why I’m buying these things. What I put into my shopping cart is my business. It’s no one else’s business. Let’s stay focused on our own carts.

And it’s the same way in yoga class. There’s no need to look around and see what others are doing on their mats. They are in a different place in their yoga journey. They have different bodies. They’re working on different pose progressions.

Stay focused on the work you’re doing on your mat. Listen to your instructor. She’ll give you plenty of options. Choose the best one for where you are in your practice today.

Want more practice tips? Grab a ten-class package for $498 and see how to stop struggling, make time for yourself, and workout regularly.

3 Genius Hacks For A Healthier Week

Ivory Howard

Do you struggle with staying on track with your workout routine? Are you looking for ways to be consistent or get support with reaching your fitness goals?

I have a unique perspective that other fitness instructors don’t offer. I’m also a health educator and offer science-backed programs, methods, and tools to help you develop a plan, accomplish your goals, and maintain success.

Let’s work together if you are a woman who isn’t the “typical” yoga size. Let’s work together if you have ever been intimidated in “traditional” Pilates classes with women who didn’t look like you.

There are other ways. You can feel confident in your skin and enjoy your practice with body as it is.

When we work together, you’ll practice regularly without feeling lost, out of place or bored.

Here are a few new ways to connect with me:

1. Join me on Threads.

Threads is Meta’s new text-based social media app. It’s like Twitter but not so angry. Join me there and ask me anything! I’d love to chat with you about all things health, fitness, wellness, Pilates and yoga on Threads. Scan the QR code below to get started.

2. Book a private session with me.

Sign up for a class with me and maintain a consistent workout routine with ease.

3. Sign up for the Couch to Consistent course.

Missed enrollment for the Couch to Consistent group coaching program? Try my self-paced course option available now.

How do you handle setbacks?

Ivory Howard

You've promised yourself you'll keep up your fitness regime, but don't get around to going to the gym or find other things take priority. Does this sound familiar?

Setbacks are common in any practice. A difficult pregnancy, an injury, illness, or an emotional upset can take the steam out of your practice. There are times, too, when life just gets in the way. With all that you have to do — children to raise, aging parents to care for, jobs and chores to do, committing to practice isn't always easy but even those of us with lapses of months or even years can make a successful return to the mat. By taking time to examine the reasons you stopped and your motivations for returning, you can ensure that this time around, your practice remains a permanent part of your life. 

If it's been a while since you've seen your mat, try the following:

  • Identify and address your reasons for having left so those same issues won't thwart your attempts to return.

  • Make adjustments. If a major life change precipitated the end of your routine, you may have to make significant alterations to succeed at a new start.

  • Do not skip a scheduled workout. It’s a slippery slope. You skip one and soon you begin to miss two or three. Then, you’re not working out at all. 

  • Plan your workouts in advance and make sure you have a contingency plan for bad weather and unscheduled meetings. You're more likely to work out if you have strategies to overcome obstacles.

  • Jot down the details of your workouts. Note what works for you and what doesn’t, modify accordingly so that you will continue to work out consistently. Use the positive results as motivation.

  • Set goals. Once you've explored your history, you can begin to specify your present intentions.

Learn more in the Couch to Consistent course where you’ll see how to stop struggling, make time for yourself, and workout regularly.